Great replica of one of the most important nautical attributes - Sextant. Made of solid brass, with a storage box made of rosewood. Are you an adventurer, traveler, inventor or sailor? Then this Sextant is definitely for you!
A sextant is a navigationa
Nautical and Nostalgic
Great collection of nautical and nostalgic objects
Sundial Compass (large) - Brass
Compass with Sundial (small) - brass
Brass Pocket Compass Antique Look
Compass in wooden box with glass lid
Theodolite Replica Solid Brass
Antique look Brass Fold-able Monocle
Field Binoculars Brass Antique look
Miniature Telescope in wooden box
Boatswain's whistle (brass)
Brass Mini Telescope in wooden box
Diving helmet home decoration